Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wedding Weather Take-2

Alright, I think I've fixed the wedding weather link problem.
The way it is set up (I think), no one but Lee and I can view the other events.
In other words, if you'd like to see the weather forcast for the "other wedding events"
section, you'd need a password.

Check it out, tell me if you like what you see.
If you would like to view the wedding events, I
can always e-mail you the password. I highly doubt
my bank account will be emptied by an identity thief who
succeeded in hacking my wedding weather forecast.

On another note, the dress is almost done!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Technical Difficulties

Can I ask a favor of everyone?

Can you click on the wedding weather web site and tell me what happens and what you can and cannot see? I've tried clicking on it from different computers and on one I could get in fine and see everything, on another I couldn't get in at all because it said I needed to log in, and another I could see the wedding weather but not the events. I have no idea which is right or not, so tell me if it works for you. If no one can see it I'll have to figure out why.


Saturday, June 2, 2007

We Have a Honeymoon!

We have some exciting progress.
The honeymoon has been officially booked thanks to Mom! Speaking of the mother of the bride, there
we are in a picture of our first visit to Mexico after my college graduation. I loved the trip so much, Lee and I have decided to go to the same resort for our honeymoon. You can see more about the resort we'll be staying at through the "Dreams Tulum" link.

You'll notice on the far right that the honeymoon date has been added to the Calendar of Events.

You'll also notice that another link has appeared under the resort link. The "Wedding Weather" link will take you to where they have predicted the weather for not just the wedding, but for all the dates under our Calendar of Events. The wedding itself is the first page to open, all other dates are under the tab "Wedding Events."

The next date to be added should be a La Crosse area wedding shower.