Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Technical Difficulties

Can I ask a favor of everyone?

Can you click on the wedding weather web site and tell me what happens and what you can and cannot see? I've tried clicking on it from different computers and on one I could get in fine and see everything, on another I couldn't get in at all because it said I needed to log in, and another I could see the wedding weather but not the events. I have no idea which is right or not, so tell me if it works for you. If no one can see it I'll have to figure out why.



Anonymous said...

Mine says "we were unable to find your "My Weather ........ page"

Anonymous said...

We're sorry but we were unable to find your My Wedding Weather page.
This may be a result of you having deleted your cookies. If you have created and registered your page, please sign in below. Otherwise get started now building your personalized page.

Mother-of-the-Bride, aka Nancy said...

That last one was mine. Mom

Caitlyn, the Bride said...

Shucks. Perhaps I'll have to create a password for people to log in to see.

The site wasn't quite what I had hoped it was.

Katie said...

Woah, I have a blogger display name? Not sure why. Anyhow! I'm not sure you linked it properly, hon.

Anonymous said...

I realize this has already been established, but I thought I'd say that I have the same issue as those descriptions above me.

Good luck! :0)