Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wedding Weather Take-2

Alright, I think I've fixed the wedding weather link problem.
The way it is set up (I think), no one but Lee and I can view the other events.
In other words, if you'd like to see the weather forcast for the "other wedding events"
section, you'd need a password.

Check it out, tell me if you like what you see.
If you would like to view the wedding events, I
can always e-mail you the password. I highly doubt
my bank account will be emptied by an identity thief who
succeeded in hacking my wedding weather forecast.

On another note, the dress is almost done!!!


Anonymous said...

That's exciting!

Caitlyn, the Bride said...

Yea, with any luck you'll be able to see it this weekend!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Caitlyn, the Bride said...

I think the last comment here was an advertisment, so I deleted it.